Council of Kadosh

Timothy W. Boche, 32º K∴C∴C∴H∴

Officer List

First Lieutenant Commander*#
Jason L. Lang, 32º K∴C∴C∴H∴

Second Lieutenant Commander*#
Matthew O. Lachner, 32º

Peter B. Van Osdol, 33° IGH

Andrew S. Krall, 32º

Master of Ceremonies*x
Paul Moehring 32º K∴C∴C∴H∴

Brian L Dehler, 32º

James O. Burlingame, Jr., 33° IGH

First Deaconx
Franklin N. Groves Jr., 32º

Second Deaconx
Andrew M. Arashiba, 32º

Bearer of Beausantx
Tony R. Krall, 33º S.G.I.G

Bearer of White Standardx
Bradley J. Pohlman, 32º K∴C∴C∴H∴

Bearer of Black Standardx
Thomas B. Walker, 32° KCCH

Lieutenant of the Guardx
W. David Emery, 33º IGH

* Denotes Progressive Line Officer
# Denotes Elected Officer
x Denotes Appointed Officer

Council of Kadosh Degrees (19th – 30th)