Webinar Education Series Upcoming sessions Date / TimeTopic Videos of past sessions. The Purpose of SR Masonry by Justin THistory of the Minneapolis Scottish Rite Valley by Charley BIntroduction to Hermeticism by Tracy AIntroduction to Kabbalah in Freemasonry by Gene MIntroduction to Sacred Geometry by Hans NEgyptian Book of the Death by Bill RWhat About The 3rd Eye? by Hans NEnoch by Bill RMasonic connections to Zoroastriansim by Justin TMural Lecture by Terry HThe Masonic Symbolism of the Architecture of Washington D.C. by Bill RDoric Culture: The Return of the Sons of Herakles or the Invasion of Classical Greece? by Mark PConsistory Virtual InstallationThe History of the Templar Legend in FreemasonryConversation with Scott WolterThe Emerald TabletWhere do conspiracies and misconceptions about Freemasonry come from?