Lodge of Perfection Degrees
4th Degree: Secret Master
Director: Don Nolley, 33° IGH
Reed Endersbe, 32° K.∙.C.∙.C.∙.H.∙
Adopted by: Not Available
Duties: Practice silence, obedience, and fidelity.
Lessons: The teachings of masonry are not to be taken lightly. Learning far outlasts physical monuments. Duties are not to be performed expecting a reward – but expecting personal satisfaction.
5th Degree: Perfect Master
Director: Shannon Krecklau, 32°
Adopted by: Unizar Lodge No. 347
Duties: Be industrious and honest.
Lessons: Life is uncertain; death may call at any time. The noblest portion of humanity is virtue for virtue’s sake.
6th Degree: Intimate Secretary
Director: Robert Davis, 32° K.∙.C.∙.C.∙.H.∙.
Adopted by: Excelsior Lodge No. 113
Duties: Be zealous, faithful, disinterested, and benevolent. Act the peacemaker.
Lessons: Zeal and fidelity to duty are always rewarded.
7th Degree: Provost and Judge
Director: Phillip Dailey, 32°
Adopted by: Cataract Lodge No. 2
Duties: Let justice be the guide of all your actions.
Lessons: All actions have consequences. Be just judging others’ motives.
8th Degree: Intendant of the Building
Director: Roger Schmid, 33°IGH
Adopted by: Sherburne Lodge No. 95
Duties: Be benevolent and charitable.
Lessons: Benevolence and charity demand we correct our own faults and those of others. What a man knows dies with him; therefore, transmit your knowledge. Labor is honorable if done with sobriety, temperance, punctuality, and industry.
9th Degree: Elu of the Nine
Director: Matt Lachner, 32° /
Lee Dorholt, 32° K.∙.C.∙.C.∙.H.∙.
Adopted by: Plymouth Lodge No. 60
Duties: To enlighten our souls and minds.
To instruct and enlighten the people. To be vigilant to the interests and honor of our country.
Lessons: Ignorance is the principal enemy of human freedom. A free press is indispensable to true liberty. Remorse and guilt are God’s punishment and are more severe than man’s.
10th Degree: Elu of the Fifteen
Director: Sujit Varma 32°
Adopted by: Lake Harriet Lodge No. 277
Duties: To be tolerant and liberal. A war against fanaticism and persecution with education and enlightenment.
Lessons: Ambition creates tyranny and despotism. Fanaticism creates intolerance and persecution.
11th Degree: Elu of the Twelve
Director: Dale Lillevold, 32°
Adopted by: Lebanon Lodge No. 346
Duties: Be earnest, true, and Reliable. Be a champion of the people.
Lessons: Life is a school. Masonry is work.
12th Degree: Master Architect
Director: Chuck Davis, 32° K∴C∴C∴H∴
Adopted by: Khurum Sunlight Lodge No. 112 (Templar Lodge No. 176)
Duties: Seek wisdom through knowledge.
Lessons: Wisdom is a gift from God and should be preferred over riches. Wisdom and knowledge bring honor, discretion, and understanding. Wisdom teaches the knowledge of God. Wisdom enables immortality.
13th Degree: Royal Arch of Solomon
Director: Ed Morse, 32° K∴C∴C∴H∴
Adopted by: Arcana Lodge No. 187
Duties: Seek knowledge. Be motivated by duty and honor.
Lessons: Moral character is a habit, not formed in a moment. The great law of retribution acts in our memory as remorse and at the final judgment.
14th Degree: Perfect Elu
Director: Michael Powles, 33° IGH
Mark Anderson, 33° IGH
Adopted by: Minneapolis Lodge No. 19
Duties: Assist, encourage, and defend the brethren. Protect the oppressed and relieve want and distress. Enlighten the people. Serve the common good and be fruitful of all good works.
Lessons: Perfect Elus are both bound and free, bound by their obligation and free from prejudice, intolerance, and envy.
Masons meet on a level because authority and liberty are in equilibrium in their lives.
The ceremony of the degree of Perfect Elu has two major purposes: first, to encourage reflection on the nature of Deity and man’s relationship to Him; second, to review the duties taught in all the Ineffable Degrees.
After the Lodge ceremony, the Candidate is a Voting Member of the Scottish Rite.
Chapter of Rose Croix
15th Degree: Knight of the East
Director: Bryan Pope, 32°
Adopted by: Wayzata Lodge No. 205
Duties: Rebuild the Masonic temple of liberty, equality, and fraternity in the souls of men and nations.
Lessons: Fidelity to trust, honor, and duty. Perseverance and constancy under difficulties and discouragements.
16th Degree: Prince of Jerusalem
Director: John E. Titus, 32° K∴C∴C∴H∴
Adopted by: Templar Lodge No. 176
Duties: To direct and aid those who labor to build the Symbolic Temple. Judge equitably and fairly. Provide aid of whatever kind to fellow Princes of Jerusalem. Keep faith in the justice and beneficence of God. Press forward with hope for the persecuted and oppressed.
Lessons: Build Temples of the Living God in our Hearts by following Masonic Truth — justice, equity, morality, wisdom, labor, fidelity, brotherhood — to achieve immortality.
17th Degree: Knight of the East and West
Director: Arun Natarajan, 32°
Adopted by: North Star Lodge No. 23
Duties: To work, reflect, and pray. To hope, to trust, and to believe. To teach the truths hidden in allegories concealed by Freemasonry’s symbols.
Lessons: An army of martyrs have offered their lives to prove their faith or benefit mankind.
18th Degree: Knight of the Rose Croix
Director: Terrance M Schaffer, 32° K∴C∴C∴H∴
Adopted by: Not Available
Duties: Practice virtue that it may produce fruit. Labor to eliminate vice and purify humanity. Be tolerant of the faith and creed of others.
Lessons: We should have faith in God, mankind, and ourselves. We should hope for victory over evil, the advancement of humanity, and the hereafter. Charity is relieving the wants and tolerating the errors and faults of others.
Council of Kadosh
19th Degree: Grand Pontiff
Director: Doug Beach, 33° IGH
Adopted by: Minnehaha Lodge No. 165
Duties: Be content to labor for the future. Serve the cause of truth with patience and industry. Destroy error, falsehood, and intolerance with truth, honesty, honor, and charity.
Lessons: Good will triumph over evil. The human intellect cannot measure the designs of God. If lived properly, this life is a bridge to eternal life.
20th Degree: Master of the Symbolic Lodge
Director: Larry Jensen, 32° K∴C∴C∴H∴ / Steve Bernu, 32° K∴C∴C∴H∴
Adopted by: Anoka Lodge No. 30
Duties: Dispense light and knowledge. Practice the Masonic virtues both in and out of the lodge.
Lessons: Truth, justice, and tolerance are indispensable qualities for a Master of the Lodge. An example is the best teaching method known.
21st Degree: Noachite, or Prussian Knight
Director: Adam Ballinger, 32° K∴C∴C∴H∴
Adopted by: Cass Lodge No. 243
Duties: Be humble and modest, trusting in God. Be steadfast and courageous in the face of adversity.
Lessons: The downfall of evil is certain. A free and independent judiciary is necessary for human progress. Journalism should be fair, just, and responsible.
22nd Degree: Knight Royal Axe, Prince of Libanus
Director: Erech Gallatin, 32°
Adopted by: Sir Winston Churchill Lodge No. 351
Duties: Respect labor for its own sake and do work.
Lessons: Work is the mission of man
23rd Degree: Chief of the Tabernacle
Director: Jason Lang, 32° K∴C∴C∴H∴
Adopted by: Compass Lodge No. 265
Duties: Be devoted to the service of God. Constantly endeavor to promote the welfare of man. Act with proper subordination to your superiors.
Lessons: Simple faith is wiser than vain philosophy. A society’s concept of the Deity and the universe is consistent with its development.
24th Degree: Prince of the Tabernacle
Director: Brad Pohlman, 32° K∴C∴C∴H∴
Adopted by: Star Lodge No. 62
Duties: Labor incessantly for the glory of God, the honor of your country, and the happiness of your brethren.
Lessons: The power of faith in the Deity and His promises. The soul is immortal. There is one, true God, who is pure, absolute intellect and existence.
25th Degree: Knight of the Brazen Serpent
Director: Paul Moehring, 32° K∴C∴C∴H∴
Adopted by: Daylight Lodge No. 348
Duties: Fulfill your destiny and re-create yourself by reformation, repentance, and enlarging your knowledge.
Lessons: Man is composed of the flesh, the soul, and the intellect. Man is a reflection of the Divine. Do not weary God with petitions.
26th Degree: Prince of Mercy or Scottish Trinitarian
Director: Thomas Walker, 32° K.∙.C.∙.C.∙.H.∙.
Adopted by: -Open-
Duties: Practice mercy (forgiveness). Be tolerant. Be devoted to the teaching and diffusion of the true principles of Masonry.
Lessons: The trinity of Deity belongs to no single religion. The truths of Masonry are contained within the religions of the world.
27th Degree: Knight Commander of the Temple
Director: Donald J. Nolley, 33° IGH
Adopted by: -Open-
Duties: Be devoted to truth, honor, loyalty, justice, and humanity.
Lessons: Masonry is practical and requires its members to be actively involved in life. Virtue and duty have been the same throughout history.
28th Degree: Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept
Director: David N. Kampf, 33° IGH
Adopted by: Nelson Lodge No. 135
Duties: Be a lover of wisdom. Be faithful to the promises you made with Masonry.
Lessons: Nature reveals power and wisdom and continually points to God. The visible is the manifestation of the invisible. In the Universe, two opposite forces provide balance. There is no death, only change. Philosophy is a kind of journey, ever learning but never arriving at the ideal of truth. The moral code of Masonry is more extensive than that of philosophy.
29th Degree: Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew
Director: Donald Moy, 32° K∴C∴C∴H∴
Adopted by: Minnesota River Valley Lodge No. 6
Duties: Reverence and obey the Deity. Serve the truth. Protect virtue and innocence. Defend the people against tyranny.
Lessons: Ideas and institutions wax and wane in the great cycle of time, which is but change.
30th Degree: Knight Kadosh or Knight of the White and Black Eagle
Director: James O. Burlingame, Jr., 33° IGH
Adopted by: Not Available
Duties: Labor unceasingly for the good of mankind.
Lessons: Arm yourself with faith in God, love toward your fellow men, and knowledge. Great examples are the noblest legacies from the past; they enrich a nation more than wealth or power.
31st Degree: Inspector Inquisitor
Director: Lee Kielblock, 33° IGH
Adopted by: St. John’s Lodge No. 1
Duties: Judge yourself in the same light as you judge others — consider both actions and motives.
Lessons: The good man can portray himself and his actions positively and not simply assert the absence of wrong in his life. Justice and mercy are two composites that unite in the great harmony of equity. Aiming at the best but being content with the best possible is true wisdom.
32nd Degree: Master of the Royal Secret
Director: Brent Reichow, 33° IGH
Adopted by: Not Available
Duties: A Soldier of the Light seeks truth and knowledge. A Soldier of Freedom demands the people free vote and voice and attains freedom of voice, vote, and opinion for himself. A Soldier of the True Religion combats spiritual tyranny with reason and truth. A Soldier of the People encourages men to be self-reliant and independent. A Soldier of Scottish Rite Masonry is zealous and ardent in performing his duties to God, his country, his family, his brethren, and himself.
Lessons: The human is ever interlaced with the Divine. Only doctrines, faith, or knowledge which bear fruit in action are of value. To work is to worship.